Thursday, September 6, 2012

All diamonds are not created equal...

Buying silver and gold is pretty straightforward; diamonds, on the other hand, are a bit more complicated. As we are a "middle man" of sorts, our main goal is to resale the items we purchase. The people we are reselling to are looking for a pure product. Therefore, when we buy gold, it has to be pure gold. This doesn't mean 24k, it simply means that through and through, the item is gold. A similar principle applies when we buy diamonds. The person buying our second hand diamonds is looking for a pure product that is close to flawless. This is why we are very particular about the stones that we purchase.

Here are a few things to look for when you are considering selling your diamonds.
  1. Is the stone over .5 carets?
  2. When held up to a bright light, can you see any dark spots or chips?
  3. Is the surface of the diamond flawless?
Another thing to keep in mind is pricing. The reality is that jewlers mark up their diamonds over 10x their actual value. Unfortunatley, even a diamond with a certificate will have the same value as one that does not.

As always, you are more than welcome to stop by and let us take a look! We'd be happy to make you an offer if we are able to!!

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